I think that make up has improved leaps and bounds over the last few years.
It used to be really uncommon for girls to wear fake lashes... Everyone just used mascara (which, imho, is really useless)... which was really tragic! I remembered having to curl my obstinately straight lashes for hours before they could curl for like 2 minutes, then, in the humidity, go depressingly droopy again. :(
And not to mention that eyelash extensions were not even invented yet!!
As for coloured contacts, I remember that they were really rarely used, and used to be so expensive!
But now everybody wears coloured or iris enlarging lenses!! Even the coloured lenses make eyes look bigger and brighter too!
Well most (smart) girls in Singapore do lah anyway.
I mean, if you were already short sighted, why not choose coloured lenses instead of plain ones to give your looks a boost??
I have perfect eyesight and I still wear coloured contacts anyway lor! Mad hiao!
And I'm happy because the more people wear cosmetic lenses, the more different colours will be created!
AND FRESHLOOK (best selling brand for cosmetic lenses!) HAS 3 NEW COLOURS!
I love Freshlook's patented 3-in-1 technology that blends 3 colours into a single lens, making it look so much more 3D and realistic!
Here I am, 'modeling' 2 of their new babies!
I especially love their brilliant blue (and normally I'm not a fan of blue lenses coz I feel that blonde + blue eyes a bit like too act angmoh), coz the colour is SOOOOOOOO VIBRANT!!
Like so striking you can see it from a distance!
Nice. :D
Freshlook has a fanpage now on Facebook, and they are searching for The Next Big Thing... contestants to win a year's supply of cosmetic lenses!
The contest is already closed, but do join the fanpage so you can find out more about future contests and also, check out the 10 lucky finalists!
If you support the winner, you stand a chance to win Freshlook lenses worth $42!
p/s: Every girl should wear cosmetic lenses unless they are born with strikingly coloured/hugeass irises. It makes such an improvement to looks!